Presidio Gate Apartments Archives - Front Porch Building Communities & Innovative Solutions for Seniors Thu, 28 Mar 2024 21:18:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Market Day Locations Reopen Across the Bay Area Fri, 27 Aug 2021 03:39:58 +0000 Market Day is starting to reopen in locations around the Bay Area. Covia’s first Community Service program, Market Day, tackles food insecurity by bringing fresh produce to older adults at senior centers, senior communities, and churches. Market Day is set up as pop-up farmers market that provides fresh fruits and vegetables to communities at affordable prices […]

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Market Day is starting to reopen in locations around the Bay Area. Covia’s first Community Service program, Market Day, tackles food insecurity by bringing fresh produce to older adults at senior centers, senior communities, and churches. Market Day is set up as pop-up farmers market that provides fresh fruits and vegetables to communities at affordable prices and all unsold produce is donated to local nonprofits.

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Market Day transitioned from their normal operations to delivering produce directly to older people. In April 2020 alone, Market Day delivered bags of produce to 1,593 older adults living in twelve locations that normally host markets. This service not only provided fresh food but also helped boost spirits with hand delivery to vulnerable populations that were sheltering in place.A Market Day volunteer and participant pose in front of a table

As California begins the process of reopening, Market Day locations are starting to open up as well. “We currently have six out of 24 Market Days open,” notes Teresa Abney, Market Day Program Director. More re-openings are tentatively scheduled for the fall.

At the beginning of the reopening process, the Market Day team met virtually with all coordinators to assess the needs of residents and the capacity of each market to open. Based on these meetings, the Market Day team determined which markets to open first and necessary precautions to keep everyone safe.

“Some of the precautions we have taken to protect shoppers include holding markets outdoors where possible, selling produce directly from the boxes to minimize touch, and holding markets open an extra hour to help stager shoppers,” says Teresa. Staff and volunteers also complete a COVID-19 screening before the start of each Market Day and masks are required for all staff, volunteers, and shoppers. Baskets are sterilized after each use and tables are spaced to allow for social distancing.

Response to the re-openings have been overwhelmingly positive. “The communities that have opened up Market Day again have all been very excited and happy to have Market Day back,” says Teresa. “It brings so much happiness to so many individuals. Even if it is with a mask on and 6 feet apart, it is just so nice to see and hear how happy everyone is to be shopping at Market Day again.”

Coordinators have also enjoyed having the markets back. “Many coordinators have said it’s just so nice to have a somewhat normal event back and see so many familiar faces again,” notes Teresa. “Market Days are more than fresh produce. They also create community and provide an opportunity to create a sense of purpose through volunteerism.”

A Market Day volunteer gives thumbs up to the camera while standing behind a table full of produce and with balloons behind themThe Market Day team is looking forward to opening more markets soon, though Teresa notes that “the plan for the future right now is day by day. We have to see where guidelines take us and see where everyone is as far as re-opening of senior centers.” Despite the slow process, the team is hopeful. “We are looking forward to bringing this amazing program back to many communities in the future so we can help older adults receive affordable produce safely,” says Teresa.

Markets are currently open and running regularly at Cottonwood Place in Fremont, Oak Center Towers in Oakland, Stoneman Village in Pittsburg, Presidio Gate Apartments in San Francisco, Burbank Heights & Orchards in Sebastopol, and Cloverdale Senior Center.

To keep up to date on which Market Day locations are currently open and which are planned to reopen next, follow Market Day’s Facebook page and check the locations PDF on their website.

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Investing in Community Life at Covia Affordable Communities Sat, 10 Apr 2021 06:04:31 +0000 Covia owns and operates Affordable Communities that are home to residents around the Bay Area. Exciting renovations that got underway late last year at two Covia Affordable Communities are at or near completion, and are highly anticipated by the residents and staff. First built in 1927, Presidio Gate Apartments (PGA) in San Francisco, was originally […]

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Covia owns and operates Affordable Communities that are home to residents around the Bay Area. Exciting renovations that got underway late last year at two Covia Affordable Communities are at or near completion, and are highly anticipated by the residents and staff.

First built in 1927, Presidio Gate Apartments (PGA) in San Francisco, was originally known as the Protestant Episcopal Old Ladies Home and was extensively renovated and reopened in 1985. The campus is undergoing extensive refurbishment today including a new roof, exterior painting, replacing security camera and entry access systems, new landscaping, and interior refurbishment of common areas.

“The roof was over 30 years old, the paint was beginning to peel and crack, and the common areas were really starting to show their age,” says Karim Sultan, Vice President of Affordable Housing. “Since we had the funding to take on this work now, we were eager to get it done.” To date, the roof work, painting, and security camera/entry systems work have been completed, and the community has recently received permit approval from the City of San Francisco for the landscaping work. David Dolan, who served as PGA’s Housing Administrator during this project, says, “The final phase will be the interior refurbishment, and we are working with a designer to select furnishings, carpet and wall colors. Residents are very appreciative of the work that has been done to date. I am thrilled to be a part of helping improve their quality of life! As I retire, this is a great way to celebrate the end of my tenure at Presidio Gates.”

At Oak Center Towers (OCT) in Oakland, new flooring, paint, fixtures, and lighting were installed in common areas and offices. New common-area restrooms and the community room received a dramatic facelift. “The community room is home to our annual Thanksgiving luncheon and nearly all of our activities and events, and the residents are excited to be able to make it their own once communal activities can begin again,” says Aytoya Albert, OCT’s Housing Administrator. “Although the pandemic derailed our plan of a grand re-opening, we have received so much positive feedback from residents and visitors who are delighted with the new look.”

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Covia Celebrates Pride Thu, 27 Jun 2019 07:04:56 +0000 Honoring its core values of welcome, inclusion, social justice and grace, Covia is celebrating Pride not only through events this month, but through an ongoing commitment to make its communities and programs welcoming to all. Covia is an Endorsing Organization of the Long-Term Care Equality Index (LEI) – the  first organization to do so on […]

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Covia inclusivity logo: grace. welcome. inclusion. social justice. Covia welcomes you.Honoring its core values of welcome, inclusion, social justice and grace, Covia is celebrating Pride not only through events this month, but through an ongoing commitment to make its communities and programs welcoming to all.

Covia is an Endorsing Organization of the Long-Term Care Equality Index (LEI) – the  first organization to do so on the West Coast. LEI, a joint initiative of SAGE and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, is a three-year project to “assess, benchmark, and ultimately improve the policies and practices of long-term care residential settings (nursing homes, assisted living, continuing care retirement communities, and more) regarding their LGBT-inclusiveness.” Jerry Brown, Senior Director of Covia Affordable Communities, is a member of the LEI Advisory Council.

As part of the LEI, communities and organizations are encouraged to sign the Commitment to Caring Pledge as an indication of their intention to engage in LGBT inclusive policies and practices. Kevin Gerber, President and CEO, says, “Covia has long supported the inclusion of LGBTQ+ seniors and staff in our communities. We are glad to support the work of SAGE and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation in ensuring that senior communities throughout the country are safe and welcoming for everyone.”

In the greater community, Jen Arent, Director of Senior Resources for Sonoma County, created a display at Sonoma County Pride that won the “Year of Love” decorating contest as she asked those who stopped by to join Covia’s “Wall of Love.”

Arent asked everyone who came to the booth to take a multicolored paper heart and write down what they feel about love – “who they love, why they love, what they love, et cetera.” Then Arent would pin them up on the multicolored fabric panels used to decorate the booth. “It was an amazing success!” Arent says. “By the end of the day we had nearly 200 paper hearts with positive, kind, thoughtful messages of love from people of all ages, backgrounds, and beliefs. It was truly inspiring.”

Covia will cap off the month by participating in San Francisco’s Pride parade, cosponsoring a contingent of LGBTQ+ seniors that will include residents and staff from Bethany Center, Presidio Gate Apartments, San Francisco Towers, and St. Paul’s Towers. The theme of this year’s parade, Generations of Resistance, is “an opportunity to put seniors at the center of the celebration and the march towards social justice,” according to Openhouse, which is coordinating the parade contingent.

LGBTQ+ inclusion at Covia doesn’t end with the month of June. A new session of Well Connected, beginning on July 8, offers a weekly LBGTQ Chat group. Open to all LGBTQ older adults, the group “will create an inclusive place to share our stories with each other and build a sense of community.” Participants can register for this or any other Well Connected group by calling 877-797-7299.

Throughout Covia, “we continually work to build the value of inclusion in all we do,” says Mary McMullin, Chief Strategy and Advancement Officer. “It’s important to us that the moment people walk into one of our communities, they know that they are welcome, just as they are.”

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