August 6, 2021
Mission, Vision, Values, and Video: Behind the Scenes
Over 50 people collaborated to create a video highlighting Front Porch’s mission, vision, and values, which premiered on July 30th. Featuring the authentic voices of Front Porch residents and staff, the three and a half-minute video invites people to reflect on how they live out Front Porch’s Core Values – Connect, Build Trust, Collaborate, Lead Responsibly, Inspire Creativity, and Embrace Change – in their daily life and work.

“Getting in front of a camera is no easy thing,” says Jen Sabaot, Front Porch’s director of communications, who spearheaded the project. “If you know how stressful it is to be in a Zoom call, imagine how stressful it is to be in front of a camera and asked to give your personal story.” To help put video participants at ease, Jen got to know each one individually and sent some sample questions in advance. “Without that time getting to know each other, I don’t think we would have been able to get as authentic as we did.”
“I had a really incredible experience,” Victor Ceron, senior director of facilities, says of the filming process. “I didn’t really prepare for the interview per se, because I really wanted my words to come from my heart.” In the video, Victor spoke about the connections he has been able to make over the course of his career. “The incredible people you meet on this journey is humbling.”
Raymond Ruiz, director of life enrichment at Kingsley Manor, appeared in the video alongside resident Karen Palmer. “Karen has always been someone I go to,” he says. “It was a very humbling experience, making a connection and talking to somebody who you see on a day-to-day basis, especially during difficult times. It made me think about the tough year that we had and why we do what we do.”
Katie Wade, senior director of creative engagement, also found herself looking back on her career path. “It was really nice to reflect on the origins of my work, and lovely to think about an older adult in one of our programs who has influenced me.”
One thing that Katie didn’t expect was how hot the room would be where filming took place. “We had to turn off the air conditioning in the interview room to make sure the sound levels weren’t affected.” The video shoot took place over two days, one day at the Home Office in Glendale, and the second at St. Paul’s Towers in Oakland. Video crews also went on site at Villa Gardens in Pasadena and Oak Center Towers in Oakland for “B roll” shots of people in action.
The original objective of the video project was to bring Front Porch’s new mission, vision, and values to life. Formally adopted by the Front Porch board of directors on April 1, 2021 as Front Porch and Covia affiliated, the new, shared values of the combined organization illustrates what brought them together to begin with – values that were already being lived out by employees and residents.
“I am so excited and delighted to get these values out and about – not that we haven’t all been living them already,” says Lauren Mouton-Beaudry, director of ethics and education. “These values are action-packed and they really speak to me. I truly believe that our shared values bring us together. I want to thank everyone who participated in the video. You were using your heart, and that’s what came through.”
The authenticity of voices comes through for Katie as well, and she sees it as part of the authenticity of the work she and others do every day. “It feels very true for me in my daily working environment that people really bring their whole selves to work. We don’t have to compartmentalize our personal self and our work self. I think that is so critical for the relational type of work that we’re all doing.”
“I think it takes special team members to do what we do on a daily basis,” adds Victor.
To Lauren, the video is only the beginning. “It’s interesting: at the end, we say, ‘that’s a wrap.’ But actually, I am feeling like now is when our work and play is really going to begin. We’re going to be sharing our values. We’re going to be strengthening our relationships. And that’s what’s going to make us an even stronger organization.”